Dobule – Food Delivery App for iOS & Android


Dobule is a React Native App that provides all the necessary pages for creating a Customer End Food Delivery Application. So far we have created 48 unique pages & 53 components and the exciting news is that we will be adding more over time and all updates will be free for download for anybody that has purchased the template at any time in the past. Customer End application is an app that customers can use to order food.

All Screens

  • Chat Screen
  • Choose Language
  • Coupon Home Screen
  • Create Account Slideshow
  • Discover Home Screen
  • Filter Screen
  • Looking By Map Screen
  • Restaurants Listing Screen
  • Slider Selected Screen
  • Top Categories Screen
  • Favorite Products Home Screen
  • Invoice Screen
  • Order History Home Screen
  • Surrender Act Screen
  • OTP Verification Screen
  • Add Card Detail Screen
  • Add New PayPal
  • Payment Method Home Screen
  • Address Settings Screen
  • Change Password Screen
  • Personal Information Screen
  • Profile Home Screen
  • Registration Screen
  • Privacy Policy Screen
  • Settings Screen
  • Terms of Use Screen
  • Share & Earn Screen
  • Add to Cart Screen
  • Checkout Screen
  • Delivery Process Screen
  • Product Review Screen
  • Restaurant Description Screen
  • Restaurant Menu Screen
  • Store Review Screen
  • Support Home Screen
  • FAQ Screen
  • Settings Screen
  • Welcome Screen

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